A VoIP voicemail is a centralized system that can store voicemail messages from people who contact you through your business VoIP phone system. This system is the digital version of the traditional answering machine in which telephone messages were formerly recorded and stored analogically. A VoIP voicemail is a separate service on which calls are digitally forwarded, received, and recorded.
Calls can be forwarded to the voicemail service for a variety of reasons, the most common being the inability of the person to whom the call is directed to answer immediately. Messages can be listened from your IP phone, cell phone, home phone or email. If no one can answer a call, regardless of the context, a voicemail is the perfect tool to take over.
Studies show that the response time to a request from a potential customer is directly linked to the efficiency of a sales department. It is also proven that the rate of customer satisfaction when interacting with your customer service department is directly related to the speed at which a request is answered. Therefore, getting your voice messages via email is now an essential tool contributing to the smooth running of your operations.
Instantly receive a voicemail wherever you are, allowing you to respond to customer inquiries faster. This speed can greatly improve your team’s response time when a customer leaves a voicemail. Conversely, a customer’s enthusiasm drops drastically if you take too long to respond. As the average worker can spend 2 to 4 hours a day checking their electronic mail (email) and since teleworking is a rapidly growing reality, it is now essential to have the possibility of receiving your voicemail messages by email and the option to listen to them quickly, anytime, anywhere.
- Default greeting: Use a general standard greeting. Example: “The person you want to reach is not available at the moment, please leave a message and we will contact you as soon as possible. »
- Personalized greeting: Record a personalized greeting. Example: “You have successfully reached John Smith’s voicemail, I am on vacation until January 3, please leave me a message and I will contact you when I return. »
- Voicemail to Email Notification: Receive an email notification when you receive a new voicemail message.
- Transfer of the voice message directly to your email: Receive the audio file, by email, of the message received in your voicemail box allowing you to listen to it immediately.
- Transfer from voicemail to operator: When the caller is transferred to your voicemail box, offer the option of transfer to the reception by pressing zero whether for emergencies or customers preferring the option to speak with someone immediately.
Your greetings can be recorded in different ways:
- Professional recording: Send us the script of the message(s) to be recorded. You can choose the type and tone of voice you want. A professional will do the recording in studio.
- Telephone recording: Record your personalized voicemail messages yourself. The procedure is simple: we provide you with a number to dial and you only have to contact this number and dictate your messages. Our system will record these and one of our specialists will configure the messages in the appropriate places.
- Use existing recordings: Do you have personalized recordings for each mailbox and want to still use them? Send us the audio files or let us extract it.
Get a business VoIP phone system with AgileIP and get cutting-edge voicemail technology. Respond more quickly to customer inquiries by receiving your voicemails by email, at home and on your mobile. Never lose a call, improve response times, and start saving substantial amounts now. In short, be more agile thanks to IP telephony from AgileIP!
We offer free consultations to assess your needs and help you make an educated choice.